alquiler de auto Dinsey - Outlets Rentennials

Los mejores Outlets de Orlando – Disney!

Orlando no es solo parques de diversiones, Mickey y montañas rusas! Esta ciudad se ha posicionado como un destino ideal para los amantes de las compras y puedes encontrar muy buenos precios para comprar ropa , zapatillas, tecnología, y más en Outlets, Malls y centros comerciales!
En este post te contamos todo lo que tenés que saber para aprovechar tu viaje y hacer las mejores compras optimizando el tiempo!

Los 5 mejores Outlets de Orlando:

1. Orlando Vineland Premium Outlet:

Particularmente es el outlet que más me gusta, por varias razones, si bien es un poquito más chico que Orlando International Premium Outlet, tiene las tiendas que a mi más me gustan y no se porqué siempre encuentro mejores descuentos!
En este Outlet van a encontrar marcas deportivas y outdoor como NIKE, Adidas, Puma, Asics, Under Armour, The North Face, Columbia, new balance, Oakley, Hurley, Reebok y más, marcas de Ropa como Armani, Boss, Banana Republic, Calvin Klein, Carolina Herrera, DKNY, Dolce & Gabanna Forever 21, Gap, GUCCI, GUESS, Lacoste, Levi’s, Polo Ralph lauren, PRADA, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace y muchas más, de zapatos y zapatillas como: Aldo, Crocs, jouurneys, Vans, Converse, entre otras! y de Niños como Carter’s , Oshkosh, y Gap kids entre cientos de marcas más.

Este Outlet pertenece a la cadena Simon con la que tenés descuentos importantes en varias marcas, para acceder a ellos debes descargarte la app y registrarte! Te dejo el link: Simon Orlando Vineland Premium Outlet

Ubicación: 8200 Vineland Ave, Orlando, FL 32821, Estados Unidos 
Horarios en general: 10 a 21hs. (Domingos puede variar y cerrar a las 19hs. en temporada baja)
web: Orlando Vineland Premiu Outlets

Tips importantes:

  1. En la mayoría de las tiendas te ofrecen registrarte a su newsletter y te dan descuentos de hasta el 10% adicional, solo te piden el mail o un tel, yo lo que hago es aceptarlo e ir poniendo varios mails diferentes si vuelvo a comprar en la misma tienda.
  2. Hay tiendas como The north Face, Gap, Forever 21 y más que están en un sector diferente y hay que cruzar una avenida para llegar a ellas! Muchos no saben esto y se pierden los grandes descuentos de estas grandes marcas.
  3. Con cada compra en los tickets te dan descuentos para utilizar en otras marcas, veanlo!! hay veces que hay descuentos muy convenientes!!
  4. Conviene ir por la mañana ya que es las noches, cuando cierran, es cuando ponen las ofertas y ordenan la ropa para arrancar el día siguiente! En la tarde/noche es donde más gente hay, ya está todo revuelto y generalmente lo bueno ya se terminó!

2. Orlando Outlet Marketplace.

Este si es el outlet donde mejores descuentos he encontrado siempre!!, hay muy poquitas marcas pero los descuentos son incomparables. Acá vas a encontrar tiendas cómo: NIKE, Adidas, Under Armour, Puma, Calvin Klein, Guess, New Balance, Carter’s. entre algunas poquitas más.
Tiene varias ventajas: Es chico, no suele haber tanta gente, tiene mucho estacionamiento, las tiendas son bastante grandes salvo Nike, suele tener los mejores descuentos y está super cerca de Orlando International Premium outlets por lo que yo empezaría por este para luego cruzar al International para hacer los dos el mismo día.

Ubicación: 5269 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819, Estados Unidos
Horarios: 10 a 21hs ( Domingos hasta las 19hs.) Pueden variar de acuerdo a la temporada.


  1. El día de compras empezar por este y luego ir al Orlando International Premium que es muy cerca.
  2.  Seguramente compres mucho y debas dejar las bolsas en el auto, si bien no suele pasar nada, a una pareja amiga les robaron todas las valijas llenas de compras del auto por dejarlas a la vista! Por ende, como harían en su país Latino, no se confíen y dejen las cosas escondidas en el baúl antes de cruzarse con el auto al otro outlet.

3. Orlando International Premium Outlet:

alquiler de auto Dinsey - Outlets Rentennials

Es el Outlet más grande de todos en Orlando, tiene muchísimas marcas, y suele rebalsarse de gente por ser el más popular! Vas a encontrar las marcas más importantes. Hay una tiendita outlet de Disney donde pueden encontrar algunas cositas, no mucho pero a muy buen precio en comparación a los parques.
Van a encontrar marcas de ropa deportiva y Outdoor cómo: NIKE, Adidas, Puma, Asics, Fila, Under Armour, The North Face, Columbia, New balance, Oakley, Quicksilver, Hurley, Volcom, Reebok y más. Marcas de Ropa como H&M, Armani, Boss, Banana Republic, Victoria’s Secret, Calvin Klein, Carolina Herrera, DKNY, Forever 21, Gap, GUESS, Lacoste, Levi’s, Polo Ralph lauren, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger y muchas más, de zapatos y zapatillas como: Aldo, Crocs, Champion, Jouurneys, Vans, Converse, Skechers, entre otras! y de Niños como Carter’s , Oshkosh, y Gap kids entre cientos de marcas más.

Ubicación: 4951 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819, Estados Unidos
Horarios: 10 a 21hs ( Domingos hasta las 19hs.) Pueden variar de acuerdo a la temporada.


  1. Al Igual que en el de Vineland, descarguen la app de Simon para acceder a descuentos, revisen los tickets ya que siempre te dan descuentos y registrensé con el mail en las tiendas para acceder a descuentos extras.
  2. Intentar ir temprano para conseguir estacionamiento y poder ver más tranquilas (Más que nada en temporada alta).
  3. Si saben que van a enloquecer con las compras (Como todos lo hacen) lleven una valija con rueditas para ir cargándola sino se hace imposible caminar con tantas bolsas! Si tienen que comprar valija, si bien ahí venden, no suelen ser baratas, a no ser en la tienda de Samsonite, pero en Ross, Marshall o el Walmart pueden conseguir a muy buen precio y la llevas ese día! Te vas a acordar de este tip el día que vayas y que no hayas llevado la valija! jejeje.
  4. Tener en cuenta que van a salir sumamente agotadas/os de este outlet, porque se camina mucho, suele hacer mucho calor, mucho tiempo paradas/os, etc. Prevean volver un ratito al hotel a dejar las bolsas y descansar antes de hacer otra cosa.

4. The Florida Mall:

Se lo considera como uno de los shopping cerrados más grande de Florida, y ha ganado popularidad por la reciente apertura de Primark! Tiene un sinfin de marcas, pero creo que las que más destaco son ZARA, H&M, Primark y Apple, además tiene Hollister, Adidas, Dick’s (Que es una tienda de deportes muy grande), Macy’s, Forever 21, GAP, JCPenney, Pink, Victoria’s Secret, Sephora, Uniqlo, Vans, entre muchas más.
No es el que más me gusta, pero tiene marcas muy importantes que te obligan a ir. Lo que si , tiene un espacio de juegos para niños que mi hija disfrutó muchísimo!

Ubicación: 8001 S Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando, FL 32809, Estados Unidos
Horarios: 10 a 21hs ( Domingos 11 a 19hs.) Pueden variar de acuerdo a la temporada.

5. Ross, Marshalls, Burlington:

No puedes ir a Orlando sin entrar una y mil veces a estas tiendas! Hay varias, están repartidas por muchos lugares y es donde mejores precios vas a conseguir.  Son tiendas que compran saldos de ropa a las marcas más importantes y las revende a bajo precio, no solo tienen ropa, también vas a encontrar Calzado, valijas, Hogar, Juguetería, entre varias cositas más! Muchos se sienten abrumados al entrar , ya que son percheros larguísimos llenos de ropa y no sabés por donde empezar, pero el que busca encuentra, lo bueno es que aunque no lo parezca está todo ordenado por talles, tipo de ropa y la clave es revisar mucho. Hay cosas muy lindas de grandes marcas a precios ridículos!

Ubicación: Varias! basta con poner en google algún de estos nombres y vas a encontrar centros comerciales chic0s con al menos dos de estas marcas.


  1. Revisar, Revisar y Revisar, hay muchas joyas ocultas en esos percheros! solo hay que tomarse el tiempo de revisar bien!
  2. Mesones con cosas con más descuentos, ver ofertas de ofertas!
  3. Las filas de las cajas suelen ser largas, planifica bien los horarios porque al querer ir a pagar te pueden tocar filas muuy largas!

Otros malls que no son outlets pero valen 100% la pena!

Disney Springs:

Está ubicado en Disney y es un centro comercial a cielo abierto muy pintoresco, con muchísimos restaurants, tiendas de ropa, shows en vivo, la tienda más grande de Disney y mucho más.

Disney Springs es de los lugares que no te podés perder si vas a Disney! Particularmente amo este lugar y es clave ir de noche porque siempre hay shows musicales en vivo en varios puntos del lugar, está el nuevo show de drones y el ambiente que se respira es siempre bajo estándar Disney.

Vas a encontrar tiendas de ropa como : ZARA, Uniqlo, Under Armour, Ron Jon, Columbia, Sephora, Anthropologie, Lacoste, MAC, Harley Davidson, Volcom y muchas más!
Hay tiendas imperdibles como: La tienda de Lego y World of Disney que es la tienda de regalos más grande de Disney, donde vas a encontrar absolutamente de todo, desde llaveros, golosinas, peluches, juguetes, ropa, bazar, y mucho más todo de Disney!
Restaurants: Hay muchísimos, y si tienen plan de comida de Disney contratados podés usarlo acá también! De hecho se come infinitamente mejor que en los hoteles o los parques! En nuestro caso la última vez que fuimos teníamos contratado el Quick service Dining plan y aprovechábamos a ir todas las noches! Mi Recomendación , el restaurant The Polite Pig! comida super abundante y de lo mejor que comimos! (Aceptan el Quick service Dining plan). Luego hay muchos restaurants más, como Planet Hollywood, Rain Forest Café, T-Rex Café, The Boathouse,  D-Lux Burger (También muy recomendable, hamburguesas gigantes y muy sabrosas que aceptan el Quick Service Dining Plan) , Blaze Pizza ( También aceptan el Quick S.D.P), y muchísimos más!
No puedes irte de aquí sin pasar a comprar las mejores cookies que vas a probar en tu vida en Gideon’s Bakehouse


  1. Ir al atardecer, es el mejor horario! Se aprovechan los shows musicales en vivo, las luces y decoración del lugar son hermosas, y puedes encontrar un buen lugar para ver el show de drones!
  2. Si vas en auto, Uber o en un medio de transporte que no sea de Disney pasarás por los mismos controles de seguridad y escáners que en los parques! Intentar no llevar mochila, ni nada para que no te demoren al revisar! Palos selfie, imanes, termos entre otros suelen detectarlos para una revisión manual!
  3. El estacionamiento es gratuito! El Lime Parking Garage es el más cercano a las tiendas de ropa y World of Disney, también puedes optar por el Orange que te deja cerca. No recomiendo el GrapeFruit porque hay que caminar más!

Universal CityWalk Orlando

Está ubicado en el ingreso a Universal e Isla de la Aventura. y es muy bonito!

También recomiendo ir al atardecer y quedarse a cenar en alguno de los restaurants, ver algún show musical en vivo y recorrerlo!

Super recomendable ir a The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast .

Les dejo la foto porque es difícil explicar pero es una fábrica de chocolate gigante al estilo Charly y la Fábrica de Chocolate y se puede obviamente sentarse a comer o tomar la mediatarde, comprar diferentes chocolates, etc! La ambientación es espectacular y hasta los mozos y los trabajadores están super lookeados!

También pueden encontrar Hard Rock Café, tanto para sentarse a comer, comprar en la tienda o ver algún show!


En Fin, Disney tiene los mejores outlets, malls y centros comerciales y es un excelente lugar para ir de compras, siempre que vamos volvemos con 2 valijas grandes cada uno + Carry-on, más mochila, más bolsas en la mano! es inevitable ya que te das cuenta que comprar una remera, un buzo o hasta unas zapatillas es más barato que comer una hamburguesa!

Les puedo recomendar a mi hermana que es Agente de Disney y Universal para que los guíe, consiga promociones y los ayude con su itinerario para poder organizar bien este hermoso viaje!
Instagram: @esdisneytime

Y de mi parte, que desde 2010 hasta hoy (2024) he ido todos los años a Disney ( Salvo 2020 por pandemia), y los últimos 2 años he ido 4 veces,  solo puedo decirles que no alquilar auto es la peor decisión que pueden tomar! La comodidad de alquilar un auto , que no es caro para nada, no se discute! Y si, también uso el transporte de Disney , pero como bien explico en este post, Orlando es más que parques de diversiones y hacer compras en UBER es imposible además de que terminás gastando más, se van a arrepentir completamente de no haber alquilado un auto con tiempo!
Alquilar un auto con Rentennials es la mejor opción para disfrutar de Disney como te mereces! Vas a conseguir un montón de opciones, autos baratos, de lujo, con peajes ilimitados, sin peajes, lo que quieras! super recomendables!!

Alquilar un auto con Rentennials

Recommendations for renting a car in Miami

Here’s the English translation of the text:

When planning a trip to Miami – United States, several frequently asked questions come up. In this post, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to explore Miami or any city in the state of Florida, USA.

Let’s get started!

Is it worth renting a car in Miami?

The undisputed answer to this question is: Yes! Let us tell you why.

Unfortunately, the transportation system in Miami is not very good, and you might have to wait up to 2 hours for a bus. And while you could use Uber or Lyft, keep in mind that the distances are long, and you may end up spending more money than renting a car would cost. Renting a car solves everything – it’s much more convenient for getting around, and best of all, you can shop at all the malls and outlets without any issues. There are so many, and you won’t want to miss a single one.

Miami is a shopping destination:

We’ll be doing another post on the malls you can’t miss during your stay in Miami, but to name a few: Sawgrass Mills (1 hour from Miami Beach), one of the largest outlets in the United States. Without the convenience of a car, getting there would be difficult. There’s also Aventura Mall, where you’ll find high-end brands like Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, ZARA, and many more. And Dolphin Mall, another huge outlet, where in addition to big-name brands, you’ll find stores like Ross, Burlington, Five Below, and Marshall, among others! All of them are far away, and you won’t want to miss any! I insist: with Uber, you’ll spend much more than the cost of renting a car for a day!

Check out our post on What to Do in Miami During a 5-Day Stay to see all the places you can explore by car.

Visit Brickell, Miami Design District, and Wynwood

It will depend a lot on where you’re staying and how far these places are, but for example, many Argentinians tend to book accommodations in Hollywood, Sunny Isles, Hallandale, or North Beach. A round trip with Uber can cost as much as two days of car rental, and there’s no argument about the comfort of having a car to explore these areas.

Visit Key West, Orlando

If you’re planning to visit either of these two places, there’s no doubt that renting a car in Miami is a must. You’ll save a lot of money and be able to travel in the most comfortable, economical, and efficient way possible. Discover all the car rental options we offer in Miami with Rentennials to ensure the best price, the best service, and the best car rental experience you’ll find in Miami!

Experience car rental in Miami with Rentennials and book your vehicle to explore Miami in the best way possible. Download our app for Android or iOS and find everything you need to rent your car or become part of the Rentennials family.

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Recommendations for renting a car in Orlando (Disney)

Is it worth renting a car in Orlando?

If you’re going to Orlando, there are several things to consider. First, if you’re arriving in Miami and need to drive to Orlando, it’s approximately a 4-hour drive with moderate traffic. While they’ve recently launched a train 🚉 connecting Miami to Orlando (Brightline), it can be quite expensive, especially if you have several passengers. Plus, you’ll need to pay extra for large suitcases 😱. For this reason, one of the best options to travel from Miami to Orlando is to rent a car. And be cautious with Disney agents or forums that say you don’t need to rent a car in Orlando! While it’s true that you might spend much of your day exploring a theme park, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Parking at Disney hotels and parks:

For example, if you stay at a Disney hotel, parking is free both at the hotel and the park. However, at Universal Studios, you will need to pay for parking at the hotels and parks within the chain.

alquiler de auto en Disney - Rentennials

Outlets in Disney Orlando:

Orlando, or better known as Disney, isn’t just about theme parks! It’s also a great shopping destination! There are major outlets, such as Premium Outlets at its various locations (Premium Outlets Vineland, Premium Outlets International Drive), or the most affordable outlet, Orlando Marketplace, as well as The Florida Mall, The Loop, and The Mall at Millenia.

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Don’t forget about Walmart! There are several locations, and they’re perfect for visiting whenever you have some free time! We could keep listing countless places like Costco (a hypermarket chain that has everything), BestBuy (a giant electronics store), and much more, which we’ll leave for another post. But believe me, visiting all these shopping spots without a car would be impossible! That’s why renting a car with Rentennials is your best option!

Experience renting a car with Rentennials and book your vehicle to explore Orlando in the best way possible. Download our app for Android or iOS and find everything you need to rent your vehicle or become part of the Rentennials family.

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We are Rentennials

Rentennials is the new way to rent cars from local hosts in your city, quickly, easily, and affordably. It's also your new path to starting your own car rental business and making money every month.
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Recommended Activities to Enjoy in Mendoza City

Mendoza, the land of sun and good wine, is an unmissable and unmatched destination to enjoy all its experiences, views, and activities in nature with its mountains, tourist attractions, and wineries to visit and enjoy with unforgettable guided tours.

Parque “General San Martín”

The Parque General San Martín is the most important green space in the city of Mendoza and therefo re a must-see in the city.

The park is very popular with locals and tourists. It was designed by the French landscape architect Carlos Thays (the same one who designed the forests and the rose garden in Palermo in Buenos Aires) and has an area of 307 hectares, an artificial lake, children’s playground, and different landscaped areas.

To get to the place and experience it in all its splendor, you will definitely need a vehicle. The main entrance where the famous gate is located is on Av. Del Libertador, corner Av. Bulogne Sur Mer.

The entrance gates to Parque San Martín are a true gem of wrought iron, originally designed for the palace of a Turkish sultan.

Caballitos de Marly

In the access roundabout to the park is Los Caballitos de Marly, a replica of a famous work by the French sculptor Guillermo Coustou called Les Chevaux de Marly, which can currently be seen at the Louvre Museum.

Lago del parque San Martín

With a size of 1000 meters long by 100 meters wide. The Club de Regatas de Mendoza, one of the most important and oldest in the city, operates on the lake, where rowing enthusiasts practice their sport. In the southern sector of the lake is the Isla de los “Enamorados” which is accessed by a beautiful bridge. On the north shore is the Fuente de los Continentes and the Rosedal.

Cerro de la Gloria

Next to the park is Cerro de la Gloria with an important monument to the independence struggles led by General San Martín and the Army of the Andes.

Teatro Griego Frank Romero Day

The Frank Romero Day Greek Theater can accommodate up to 19,000 people and since 1963 has been the venue for the closing of the National Grape Harvest Festival.

Malvinas Argentinas World Cup Stadium

With a capacity of 42,500 people, the Malvinas Argentinas World Cup Stadium it is located within the General San Martín Park in the capital of Mendoza.

It was inaugurated on May 14, 1978, in anticipation of the World Cup that was held in Argentina that same year. The stadium was also one of the venues for the 2011 Copa América, in which it underwent a renovation, and the South American qualifying rounds.

Since 2017, it has become one of the venues for the Copa Argentina.

Other places to visit in Parque San Martín:

Natural History Museum
Aboriginal Park
National University of Cuyo

Walk through Aristides Villanueva

Mendoza lives at night on Aristides Street, inviting both Mendoza residents and tourists from all over the world. After your tour of San Martín Park, we recommend going to this beautiful street full of bars and restaurants.

Arístides Villanueva Street is the most visited and renowned street in the city, on which the young night of Mendoza has been established. It offers restaurants, bars, Irish Pubs and much more, next to each other. It is also very close to the center, but we recommend you go by vehicle to explore more and see other places in the area. It is ideal as a “previous” to then go dancing and is prepared to receive the foreigner speaking their own language. Calle Arístides has shine and elegance and when the weekend arrives, there is no room for anything and fun is guaranteed.

The sidewalks of the avenue are completely occupied with the tables and chairs of the restaurants and during the weekends with small street shows. The Antares and the William Brown Irish bar are a must on a night chosen to have a good time.

Beer continues to be chosen to share a local or regional bite. But good Mendoza wines are taking over those spaces since the winery boom is changing tastes and customs. If we talk about wines and tastings, Cabrera Charif Wine House has its own wine bar and wine cellar.

In Mendoza, everything is close. In summer, when the days lengthen and the heat lengthens the time spent away from home, good drinks at Arístides are a good option.

Carlos Alonso Museum

The Carlos Alonso Museum is a mansion for Mendoza culture. On the traditional Avenida Emilio Civit, in the City, stands the impressive mansion, one of the most representative in the history of the province.

It was built in 1912 by Víctor Babino, at the request of Luis Stoppel, a diplomat and businessman born in Chile and based in Mendoza. Its imposing interior invites you to explore every corner, where, currently, the works of renowned Mendoza artists are exhibited.

This space for the visual arts has 2 sectors: Space A and Space B, where samples from different artists are presented.
The Stoppel Mansion can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


For a day of shopping, we recommend the best shopping centers to visit, explore and add beautiful memories of “The land of sun and good wine” to your suitcase.

Mendoza Plaza Shopping: A shopping and entertainment experience

We begin our journey at the iconic Mendoza Plaza Shopping, the city’s first shopping center, presenting a perfect mix of fashion stores, dining options and entertainment for the whole family.

With 30 years of activity, located at Avenida Acceso Este 3280, Mendoza Plaza Shopping has 180 stores in different segments, from international brand stores to local stores with local products.

Beyond its variety of shops, shopping provides a great experience of services and entertainment. On your walk through this shopping center you can go to the movies, walk, taste the best dishes or take the children to Neverland, a place of games and entertainment for the little ones.

So, it is a fantastic place to enjoy with the whole family. You can visit it from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

La Barraca Mall & Outlet: An oasis of sophistication and good taste

La Barraca Mall offers its Luxury Outlet offering, being one of the pioneers in this model within the city.

It is not among the largest, but it certainly has an interesting variety of options in stores for women, men and children. In addition to the convenient service, deco & home premises and the gastronomic offer for all tastes, inside and outside the establishment.

Without a doubt, one of the great attractions in La Barraca are the outlet sections in almost all brands. This way, you can access the best options in terms of quality without investing a lot of money.

Located on Calle Las Cañas 1833, Dorrego, Guaymallén. The opening hours depend on the store you want to go to, but we leave you the general hours:
Clothing: from 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gastronomy: from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
Coffees: from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Palmares Open Mall: A place to relax and enjoy shopping and fun

We close our list with the charming Palmares Open Mall, an ideal option for those looking for a relaxed atmosphere for shopping, drinking a good wine or doing other leisure or consumption activities.

Located on Avenida Panamericana 2650, the Palmares Open Mall Shopping Center has a seal that distinguishes it from other shopping centers in Mendoza: its open-air design, surrounded by beautiful gardens and green areas, creating a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.

This shopping center has more than 120 well-equipped stores and movie theaters and a play area for the little ones, thus expanding your entertainment options. Beyond offering an environment favorable to family fun, this center allows you to find the best offers, recognized brands and international franchises.

If you want to visit Palmares Open Mall, you must do so from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 21:00 and on Sundays between 11:00 and 21:00.

Independence Theater

The Independencia Theater is the main stage in the city of Mendoza, with an incredible infrastructure and shows every day and every hour.

It was designed following the French academic style, with a neoclassical front façade, Corinthian columns, a Rococo style frieze, the Shield of Mendoza in bas-relief and a balustrade crowning the complex.

The interior design was based on Italian opera theaters, and in the lobby the gray marble staircase that gives access to the room stands out. This includes four floors of galleries, with a seated capacity of 730 people. The theater is the headquarters of the Provincial Philharmonic Orchestra.

Located on Chile and Espejo streets, it is located in front of the Plaza Independencia theater.

Independence Square

It is the most important and oldest square in the province, located in the center of the city, it was inaugurated in 1863 and currently has more than 70 trees, 150 bushes, 2,200 hanging plants and 55,000 flower seedlings, the “Municipal Museum Modern Art”, and the imposing shield of the province that shines at night, artisans, shows for children and its beautiful fountains that dance all day long.

Also, you can take a souvenir photo at the colorful Mendoza sign, where you can see the entire square and part of Peatonal Sarmiento, another very important gastronomic street in the city, in case you want to explore and taste.

We are sure that these destinations and many more that the province offers will make you fall in love with it as much as we do. We hope you enjoy each place with Rentennials and choose us again on your next visit. Mendoza is always waiting for you, Rentennials too.

We are Rentennials

Rentennials is the new way to rent cars from local hosts in your city, quickly, easily, and affordably. It's also your new path to starting your own car rental business and making money every month.
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Recommended Activities to Enjoy in Mendoza City

Mendoza, the land of sun and good wine, is an unmissable and unmatched destination to enjoy all its experiences, views, and activities in nature with its mountains, tourist attractions, and wineries to visit and enjoy with unforgettable guided tours.

Parque “General San Martín”

The Parque General San Martín is the most important green space in the city of Mendoza and therefo re a must-see in the city.

The park is very popular with locals and tourists. It was designed by the French landscape architect Carlos Thays (the same one who designed the forests and the rose garden in Palermo in Buenos Aires) and has an area of 307 hectares, an artificial lake, children’s playground, and different landscaped areas.

To get to the place and experience it in all its splendor, you will definitely need a vehicle. The main entrance where the famous gate is located is on Av. Del Libertador, corner Av. Bulogne Sur Mer.

The entrance gates to Parque San Martín are a true gem of wrought iron, originally designed for the palace of a Turkish sultan.

Caballitos de Marly

In the access roundabout to the park is Los Caballitos de Marly, a replica of a famous work by the French sculptor Guillermo Coustou called Les Chevaux de Marly, which can currently be seen at the Louvre Museum.

Lago del parque San Martín

With a size of 1000 meters long by 100 meters wide. The Club de Regatas de Mendoza, one of the most important and oldest in the city, operates on the lake, where rowing enthusiasts practice their sport. In the southern sector of the lake is the Isla de los “Enamorados” which is accessed by a beautiful bridge. On the north shore is the Fuente de los Continentes and the Rosedal.

Cerro de la Gloria

Next to the park is Cerro de la Gloria with an important monument to the independence struggles led by General San Martín and the Army of the Andes.

Teatro Griego Frank Romero Day

The Frank Romero Day Greek Theater can accommodate up to 19,000 people and since 1963 has been the venue for the closing of the National Grape Harvest Festival.

Malvinas Argentinas World Cup Stadium

With a capacity of 42,500 people, the Malvinas Argentinas World Cup Stadium it is located within the General San Martín Park in the capital of Mendoza.

It was inaugurated on May 14, 1978, in anticipation of the World Cup that was held in Argentina that same year. The stadium was also one of the venues for the 2011 Copa América, in which it underwent a renovation, and the South American qualifying rounds.

Since 2017, it has become one of the venues for the Copa Argentina.

Other places to visit in Parque San Martín:

Natural History Museum
Aboriginal Park
National University of Cuyo

Walk through Aristides Villanueva

Mendoza lives at night on Aristides Street, inviting both Mendoza residents and tourists from all over the world. After your tour of San Martín Park, we recommend going to this beautiful street full of bars and restaurants.

Arístides Villanueva Street is the most visited and renowned street in the city, on which the young night of Mendoza has been established. It offers restaurants, bars, Irish Pubs and much more, next to each other. It is also very close to the center, but we recommend you go by vehicle to explore more and see other places in the area. It is ideal as a “previous” to then go dancing and is prepared to receive the foreigner speaking their own language. Calle Arístides has shine and elegance and when the weekend arrives, there is no room for anything and fun is guaranteed.

The sidewalks of the avenue are completely occupied with the tables and chairs of the restaurants and during the weekends with small street shows. The Antares and the William Brown Irish bar are a must on a night chosen to have a good time.

Beer continues to be chosen to share a local or regional bite. But good Mendoza wines are taking over those spaces since the winery boom is changing tastes and customs. If we talk about wines and tastings, Cabrera Charif Wine House has its own wine bar and wine cellar.

In Mendoza, everything is close. In summer, when the days lengthen and the heat lengthens the time spent away from home, good drinks at Arístides are a good option.

Carlos Alonso Museum

The Carlos Alonso Museum is a mansion for Mendoza culture. On the traditional Avenida Emilio Civit, in the City, stands the impressive mansion, one of the most representative in the history of the province.

It was built in 1912 by Víctor Babino, at the request of Luis Stoppel, a diplomat and businessman born in Chile and based in Mendoza. Its imposing interior invites you to explore every corner, where, currently, the works of renowned Mendoza artists are exhibited.

This space for the visual arts has 2 sectors: Space A and Space B, where samples from different artists are presented.
The Stoppel Mansion can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


For a day of shopping, we recommend the best shopping centers to visit, explore and add beautiful memories of “The land of sun and good wine” to your suitcase.

Mendoza Plaza Shopping: A shopping and entertainment experience

We begin our journey at the iconic Mendoza Plaza Shopping, the city’s first shopping center, presenting a perfect mix of fashion stores, dining options and entertainment for the whole family.

With 30 years of activity, located at Avenida Acceso Este 3280, Mendoza Plaza Shopping has 180 stores in different segments, from international brand stores to local stores with local products.

Beyond its variety of shops, shopping provides a great experience of services and entertainment. On your walk through this shopping center you can go to the movies, walk, taste the best dishes or take the children to Neverland, a place of games and entertainment for the little ones.

So, it is a fantastic place to enjoy with the whole family. You can visit it from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

La Barraca Mall & Outlet: An oasis of sophistication and good taste

La Barraca Mall offers its Luxury Outlet offering, being one of the pioneers in this model within the city.

It is not among the largest, but it certainly has an interesting variety of options in stores for women, men and children. In addition to the convenient service, deco & home premises and the gastronomic offer for all tastes, inside and outside the establishment.

Without a doubt, one of the great attractions in La Barraca are the outlet sections in almost all brands. This way, you can access the best options in terms of quality without investing a lot of money.

Located on Calle Las Cañas 1833, Dorrego, Guaymallén. The opening hours depend on the store you want to go to, but we leave you the general hours:
Clothing: from 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Gastronomy: from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
Coffees: from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Palmares Open Mall: A place to relax and enjoy shopping and fun

We close our list with the charming Palmares Open Mall, an ideal option for those looking for a relaxed atmosphere for shopping, drinking a good wine or doing other leisure or consumption activities.

Located on Avenida Panamericana 2650, the Palmares Open Mall Shopping Center has a seal that distinguishes it from other shopping centers in Mendoza: its open-air design, surrounded by beautiful gardens and green areas, creating a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.

This shopping center has more than 120 well-equipped stores and movie theaters and a play area for the little ones, thus expanding your entertainment options. Beyond offering an environment favorable to family fun, this center allows you to find the best offers, recognized brands and international franchises.

If you want to visit Palmares Open Mall, you must do so from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 21:00 and on Sundays between 11:00 and 21:00.

Independence Theater

The Independencia Theater is the main stage in the city of Mendoza, with an incredible infrastructure and shows every day and every hour.

It was designed following the French academic style, with a neoclassical front façade, Corinthian columns, a Rococo style frieze, the Shield of Mendoza in bas-relief and a balustrade crowning the complex.

The interior design was based on Italian opera theaters, and in the lobby the gray marble staircase that gives access to the room stands out. This includes four floors of galleries, with a seated capacity of 730 people. The theater is the headquarters of the Provincial Philharmonic Orchestra.

Located on Chile and Espejo streets, it is located in front of the Plaza Independencia theater.

Independence Square

It is the most important and oldest square in the province, located in the center of the city, it was inaugurated in 1863 and currently has more than 70 trees, 150 bushes, 2,200 hanging plants and 55,000 flower seedlings, the “Municipal Museum Modern Art”, and the imposing shield of the province that shines at night, artisans, shows for children and its beautiful fountains that dance all day long.

Also, you can take a souvenir photo at the colorful Mendoza sign, where you can see the entire square and part of Peatonal Sarmiento, another very important gastronomic street in the city, in case you want to explore and taste.

We are sure that these destinations and many more that the province offers will make you fall in love with it as much as we do. We hope you enjoy each place with Rentennials and choose us again on your next visit. Mendoza is always waiting for you, Rentennials too.

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Unmissable Outdoor Activities in Mendoza

Mendoza, located in the Cuyo region of Argentina, is a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts, as it offers a wide range of possibilities, from those with a lot of adrenaline to those who prefer more relaxing activities. That’s why here you will find our recommendations.

Rafting on the Mendoza River

For those who love adventure and adrenaline, rafting on the Mendoza River is ideal for you, as it has fast and exciting waters. To explore these waters, you will not need previous experience as you will have a guide when hiring the service.

You will have to choose between 2 excursions, one half-day and the other full-day. The one classified as “half-day” has a duration of 1 hour, this includes neoprene suit and boots, helmet, jacket, paddle, life jacket, professional guide, safety talks, and finally kayaks for support.

The one classified as “full-day” has a duration of 4 hours as it covers approximately 30 km, and the same as the previous one is included, but additionally you will have a lunch box.

The meeting point for the half-day is in Potrerillos and for the full-day in Cerro Negro. To get to the point, we recommend renting a Rentennials.

Immerse yourself in this experience and, in addition to the adrenaline, enjoy the incredible landscapes that Mendoza offers from this perspective.

Horseback riding in the Cordón del Plata

Horseback riding in the Cordón del Plata is an experience with paradisiacal views, in which you will be surprised by its mountains, the barbecue, and the kindness of the guides.

This adventure begins at 9 am and lasts all day, since approximately at 7 pm you will arrive at your accommodation.

For lunch, a stop is made at Arroyo de los Potreritos, where the arriero will be waiting for you with a barbecue and a first-class wine, and you can also take a break.

This moment is ideal to stop and see the incredible landscape that this place offers you. When you start this experience, you will have included a professional guide, barbecue and drinks, transportation service from the hotel in the city, phone and radio for contingencies, and horses in excellent condition. We recommend that you bring a bottle of water, sunscreen, and appropriate clothing and footwear.

Mendoza Balloons

Are you wondering what Mendoza Balloons is? This outdoor activity will leave you speechless, as it is a hot air balloon in which you will fly slowly and peacefully through the clouds, enjoying incredible views.

To get here, you will have to rent a car, as it is located far from the city of Mendoza, located in Junín, and transportation is not included when hiring it.

Each flight has an approximate duration of 45 minutes, the perfect time to enjoy this incredible experience, in which you can observe nature from another perspective. We recommend that you schedule your flight before going.

Paragliding in Cerro Arco

Cerro Arco is famous in Argentina for its paragliding practices, as it has favorable conditions such as the location and the climate for doing so.

One of the best things about doing this activity with a lot of adrenaline is the panoramic views it gives to the city of Mendoza and the mountains.

If it is the first time you will experience this activity, do not worry, as the flight will be made in tandem paragliders that will be operated at all times by the instructor.

This experience includes transfers, safety equipment, and photos and videos.

The minimum reservation time is 12 hours prior to the time you want to do it.

Activities in Potrerillos

Potrerillos is well known for its beautiful nature and its diverse outdoor activities, which is why you have to dedicate a full day to this incredible place.

As a first option, we recommend renting kayaks on the Potrerillos dam, one of the most popular activities, especially in the summer, as the sun, the dam, and the kayak are the perfect combination.

Potrerillos explorer offers an excursion with a guide to navigate these waters and has a duration of 2 hours.

Another option is to rent a sailboat, in which the Huayra company stands out.

It usually has a duration of 2 hours depending on the package you want to hire. What these packages share are navigation on the Potrerillos dam, safety equipment, technical talk, and participation in basic sailing maneuvers.

We invite you to experience different emotions with the activities mentioned above! Remember that Rentennials can make your transfers easier so you can travel comfortably, safely, and at your own pace. We hope you enjoy these unforgettable experiences!

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The best of Cancún in 5 days

Located in Quinta Roo, this paradisiac place of white sand and crystal-clear waters perfectly blends the natural beauty of its landscapes with the culture of Mayan history.

In this blog, we will guide you through an exciting tour of its best beaches and natural attractions, its incredible temples, the best restaurants to delight your palate, and of course, the best activities to make the most of every moment. We hope this itinerary will help you have the best days of your vacation in Mexico.

Day 1: Welcome to Cancún


Start your day by having breakfast at “El Café Mexicano”, located in the hotel zone. It is considered one of the best in the city due to its wide variety of flavors, the comfort of the place, and the specialized attention.

After breakfast, we recommend visiting Avenida Kukulkan, the main and most outstanding street in the city, where you can observe from its traditional architecture to street art murals that give the buildings a picturesque touch.

On your walk, you can stop at local shops to buy handicrafts and souvenirs. It also has a wide variety of gastronomy if you want to have lunch here.


Take a break from your long journey and relax on the wonderful beaches. Enjoy the Caribbean tropical climate at Playa Delfines. Here you can enjoy its panoramic views from El Mirador, which is an elevated platform, perfect for appreciating the views and taking pictures of the place. It also has shady areas, tables and benches where you can enjoy a picnic at sunset, appreciating the sunset.


You can’t miss the opportunity to visit La Habichuela Sunset. Savor traditional Mexican cuisine while feeling enveloped in a romantic and charming atmosphere that evokes Mayan culture.

Some of the most traditional dishes are: cochinita pibil, tamales, tikinxic fish, among many more options. They also have an exceptional cocktail bar, serving exquisite cocktails such as their classic “Habichuela Martini”. Without a doubt, a place you must visit.

Day 2: History and Beach


We recommend waking up early to visit the ruins of Tulum, which are located 62 kilometers from Cancún. It is advisable to go in the morning to avoid crowds and high temperatures of the afternoon.

To get there quickly and safely, the most convenient way is to travel by vehicle. Here are some Rentennials for you. On your way to your destination, we recommend having breakfast at Fit-a-licious. If you don’t have your own transportation, we invite you to see our vehicles available in Cancún.

Here you can enjoy stunning views of the Caribbean Sea, as the ruins are located on cliffs. You will see the most outstanding temples and El Castillo, which is the most emblematic building. If you want to enrich your experience even more, you can join a guided tour to learn about Mayan history and culture.


After visiting the ruins, we recommend having lunch at Camello Jr. to taste fresh seafood. To add a touch of adventure to your day, go to Akumal Beach, where you can not only appreciate this beautiful beach with white sand, but also swim with sea turtles in its crystal-clear waters. This excursion takes 1 hour 15 minutes.


Are you ready to experience one of the most exciting nights in Cancún? Experience the vibrant Mexican nightlife at Coco Bongo. This nightclub is a world of bright lights and immersive music where you can enjoy amazing live shows, a free bar of drinks that offers a wide variety of cocktails, beer, and spirits.

In addition, on the dance floor, you can hear all the genres you love, as the music ranges from rock and pop hits to the best Latin rhythms.

Day 3: Cenote Route

Morning and afternoon

Since it is a long journey of 20 kilometers with more than 10 cenotes, we recommend dedicating a whole day to not miss any details. Within this route called Ruta de los Cenotes Puerto Morelos, some of the most outstanding cenotes you can visit are the following:

In addition, many of these have become eco-adventure parks and offer a wide range of activities such as ziplining, mountain biking, and even horseback riding.

As a recommendation, we suggest that you bring your own food and drinks, as it is unlikely that you will find infrastructure for lunch such as a restaurant, due to the fact that the environment is respected for being sacred to the Mayan culture.


To end this day in the best way possible, we recommend that you have dinner at the restaurant La Fisheria, which specializes in Mexican seafood cuisine with the touch of chef Aquiles Chávez.

This atmosphere will allow you to feel at home because it is relaxed, welcoming and provides you with excellent service. As icing on the cake, you will have panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea while enjoying delicious food and even exquisite cocktails.

Day 4: Island and Nature


Wake up early and explore the beautiful Isla Mujeres. To get here, you will need to take a ferry, which has departures in the morning from 7:30 am and you can take it from the Punta Sam terminal, at kilometer 8.16.

Once you reach your destination, we recommend renting a golf cart or a golf bike to tour the island in a fun and comfortable way.

Once your tour is complete, relax on Playa Norte, which is among the 25 best in the world in the 2020 Travelers Choice awards. It is known for its white sand and shallow, crystal-clear waters.

It is a perfect place to sunbathe, swim, and even enjoy water sports. You can also enjoy a lunch, without having to leave the beach, as there are a variety of restaurants and bars along it.


To come back with a memory of this incredible island, you can take the opportunity to visit its center and buy souvenirs and handicrafts in the local shops.

Remember that the last ferry back to Cancún is at 6 pm, so if you still have time after visiting the center, we recommend visiting the Punta Sur lighthouse located at the southern tip of the island, to see it from another perspective.


Once you are back in Cancún, we recommend visiting Luna Rossa, an Italian restaurant, which among its most outstanding dishes include Salmone Al pesto, Risotto ai Frutti di Mare, and Fetuccine Primavera.

This place is an enveloping romantic atmosphere that has a terrace that offers sea views, ideal for couples’ dinners.

You can complement your meal with a selection of wines from the restaurant’s menu, which has a variety of both Italian and international wines.

At the end of your dinner, you can end the night with a delicious homemade Italian dessert, such as Tiramisu.

Day 5: Fun and Relaxation


Visit the Xcaret Park, this is a must-see as it is located in a tropical rainforest setting and within it you can enjoy activities such as: swimming with dolphins, shark adventures, parachute, snorkeling tour and a wide variety of gastronomy so you can have lunch without having to leave the park.


Within this place, in addition to entertainment, you can also relax in its magnificent spa that combines the tranquility of the landscape with the physical and mental benefits of a good massage.


To end your last night of stay, we will give you two options.

At nightfall, one of the most surprising shows is prepared within the park, which brings together more than 300 artists on stage, this show will allow you to immerse yourself more deeply in Mexican culture. It starts at 7 pm and runs until 9pm, so we recommend having dinner within the park.

As a second option, if you wish to leave the park earlier, we suggest you visit the Puerto Madero restaurant to say goodbye to Mexico in the best way possible.

This Argentine restaurant is inspired by the Puerto Madero area of Buenos Aires and is known for its barbecue and wines from the heart of Mendoza. This place offers an elegant atmosphere and some of its tables have sea views.

This 5-day itinerary will allow you to experience the natural beauty and most incredible paradise beaches of Cancun without missing a beat. With Rentennials, we invite you to explore the entire city in a safe and comfortable way and thus you can carry out all the activities proposed above. We hope you enjoy your stay in this paradise!

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The 5 Must-Do Tours in Miami

Miami offers a wide range of tours to choose from, from exploring its history and celebrity homes to the most adrenaline-pumping activities you can imagine. That’s why Rentennials brings you the best tours you should do in this amazing place.

Party bike tour through Wynwood bars

This is a tour you can’t miss if you love beer and adventures. While enjoying a ride on this bike, you’ll take a tour of the best 3 breweries in Wynwood, where you’ll have 3 premium beers included.

This bike has a capacity for 15 people, so it also has 15 pedals. The tour lasts 2/2.5 hours and you’ll have a tour guide who will provide you with essential information about the tourist attractions of Wynwood, such as its murals. To make your tour even more fun, this bike has music. We recommend that you make your reservation in advance to secure a spot.

Visiting Everglades National Park

For people who want to immerse themselves in nature, this is an ideal place, as it is one of the largest wetland ecosystems in the world. There is an immense wildlife, you will find crocodiles, waterfowl, manatees, turtles, Florida panthers, and a wide variety of fish and reptiles.

The duration of this tour will depend on which one you choose, as you have many options, from 3 hours to a full day. What you will have included will depend on which one you contract, but they all include transportation in a vehicle and a guide.

Tour of Biscayne Island

Miami is well known for its immense and luxurious mansions that celebrities own. This tour will allow you to see the mansions on a two-level yacht. The only thing you have included is the yacht, which is why we recommend that you rent a Rentennials to get to the starting point.

The tour lasts 90 minutes. Inside the yacht you will have a bar with drinks for purchase, so you can elevate your experience to the max. In addition to seeing the mansions, you can also see the city of Miami from a different perspective that will amaze you. Make your reservation in advance to secure a spot. 

Visit to the Miami Seaquarium

If you like to do activities related to marine life, Miami Seaquarium is the perfect place for you. This marine park and aquarium is located on Virginia Key.

You can observe the incredible marine species up close, such as dolphins, orcas, sea lions, sea turtles, a wide variety of fish, and many more species.

You can even enjoy live shows like the dolphin show. The park also offers the opportunity to participate in interactive experiences, where you can swim with dolphins or even a day-long trainer program, which will allow you to learn even more about marine life and get information about ocean conservation. You can get your tickets online or in person.

Private plane tour of Miami Beach

For people who are not afraid of heights, this is a great experience to see Miami from a completely different and amazing point of view. It lasts 30 minutes.

The pilot will provide you with details and comments about the places you will be flying over so you can enjoy this experience to the fullest. The experience is not shared, only a group of people per flight, you choose with whom you want to go. As always, we recommend making a reservation in advance so you don’t miss out on a spot.

Miami is a city that offers a wide variety of activities and tours for all tastes, both for visitors who want to explore the culture and those who want to feel the adrenaline of outdoor activities. That’s why the Rentennials team recommends all kinds of tours so you can experience everything this wonderful city has to offer.

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What to do in Miami on your 5 days trip

Welcome to the paradise of sun and white sand beaches. The coasts of Miami, located in southeastern Florida, await you to spend unforgettable days. Do you want to make the most of your time and don’t know where to start?

Here is a 5-day itinerary from morning, afternoon, and evening with the must-do activities so you don’t miss a thing and have the best experience!


Day 1: South Beach


Explore South Beach, enjoy the beach, and walk along Ocean Drive.

Visiting South Beach means getting to know the capital of Art Deco buildings, with shapes and colors as extravagant as the people who roam the place.

Ocean Drive is the most prominent location of Art Deco and therefore, the most famous street in Miami, where you can see over 800 Art Deco buildings built between 1930 and 1940.

The hotels located between 6th and 9th streets on Ocean Drive are the most representative, where the combination of colors, pink flamingos, suns, and neon lights abound.

Finish the tour by having a drink at one of its trendy pubs and bars.


Visit the Pérez Art Museum, the PAMM is the largest contributor to Miami’s prominence as a destination for discovering contemporary and modern art. The three-story building, designed by award-winning architects, evokes beauty and intrigue to the visitor, while its unusual and beautiful architecture captivates with the treasures it hides inside.

Explore a modern and contemporary art museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting international art from the 20th and 21st centuries. Get there with Rentennials.


We recommend having dinner at a restaurant in South Beach and enjoy its vibrant nightlife. Terras is a beautiful place to, with a quiet and cozy atmosphere, giving you a unique view of the city from its terraces and the best experience.


Day 2: Little Havana


Go to Little Havana and explore Calle Ocho, try Cuban food, and visit Domino Park.

Calle Ocho is the most famous street in Little Havana, it is very commercial, but at the same time full of nightlife and restaurants, mostly Latin, joy and music never lacks.

This street is walked, so we recommend leaving your vehicle in one of the city’s parking lots nearby, the cost is not very high.

Some of the places of Cuban history to visit are:

  • Cuban Memories Plaza
  • Walk of Stars
  • Street art mural
  • Máximo Gómez Park

Some of our favorite restaurants with typical Cuban flavors are:

  • La Carreta
  • Café Versailles
  • La Esquina de la Fama


Spend time at Wynwood Walls, admiring street art in the Wynwood neighborhood, an important center of the city’s contemporary art scene founded in 2009 by Tony Goldman, transforming Wynwood from a deteriorated industrial neighborhood into a vibrant place of artistic expression.


Have dinner at a restaurant in Wynwood and explore the nightlife of the area, one of the liveliest neighborhoods in Greater Miami and Miami Beach.

The food in this Miami Scene neighborhood is just as creative as its murals. From a Michelin-starred hidden restaurant to casual restaurants and restaurants with a distinctive global appeal, there is something for everyone.

  • Bottled-Blonde: for a casual lunch or dinner, grab a seat at a picnic-style table.
  • Coyo Taco: it’s always taco Tuesday at Coyo Taco, a popular restaurant where Mexican street food is elevated and margaritas flow.
  • Doya: rated by the Michelin Guide as a Bib Gourmand restaurant, it offers a modern take on Greek and Turkish meze culture.

Day 3: Lincoln Road


If you visited Miami, you can’t miss its malls and of course spend an amazing day shopping. We recommend taking a walk through the Lincoln Road Mall, which in addition to having stores of all kinds, you can also find restaurants and art galleries.


If you are still in the mood to see more wonderful art scenes, in the Miami Design District, you can see its modern architecture that ranges from huge murals that splash walls to imposing sculptures created by renowned artists.


To end your day in the best way, visit Carousel Club and be surprised by its ingenious idea of a bar with drinks in the shape of an old carousel. Enjoy a delicious meal and the best cocktails accompanied by music or live shows.

Day 4: Key West

On this day, we propose something different. We invite you to visit Key West, a picturesque island located south of Miami, but first we suggest you reserve a whole day to be able to experience all the must-sees that this place has to offer.

Second, we suggest taking this excursion by vehicle, as this will allow you to travel in total comfort and flexibility to choose your schedules, through 34 islands and 42 bridges, known as the Florida Keys. You can visit our website and choose a vehicle that suits your needs.

Almost all the points of interest are located on Duval Street, so we recommend taking a walk down this iconic and lively street.

During the day of your visit, you can find tourism companies that offer options for water activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and much more.

The museum house of the emblematic writer Ernest Hemingway is a place that you must definitely include on your agenda when visiting Key West.

If you like relaxed beach parties, you can see the beautiful sunset at Mallory Square, a square located on the beach, where sunsets are held. To end your day, we recommend having dinner at one of the following places:

Day 5: Bal Harbour Shops


Explore more of Miami Beach, visit Bal Harbour Shops to go shopping.

Bal Harbour Shops is an exquisite collection of designer boutiques, department stores, and restaurants in an exuberant tropical garden. An internationally renowned shopping destination, it is a favorite among the jet set, fashion lovers, and celebrities. Retailers and restaurants include Salvatore Ferragamo, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Brioni, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Goyard, Harry Winston, Prada, Richard Mille, Van Cleef & Arpels, Versace, Makoto, Le Zoo, Carpaccio, and Hillstone. The presenters are Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue.


Head to Coral Gables and visit the historic Biltmore Hotel and gardens.

You can enter Biltmore Hotel without necessarily being a guest, as it is a historic hotel and an architectural landmark in Miami, known for its splendid Mediterranean architecture and rich history.

Here are some ways to experience Biltmore Hotel:

  • Tours: The hotel often offers guided tours that allow visitors to explore its history, architecture, and elegant spaces, such as the lobby and pool.
  • Restaurants: Biltmore is home to several elegant restaurants and cafes, such as Palme d’Or, where visitors can enjoy meals, afternoon tea, and drinks without having to be guests.
  • Special events and activities: It hosts a variety of special events, from dinners with live music to themed parties, which are usually open to the public.
  • Spa and gym: It offers wellness services, and the gym is open to members and visitors, allowing you to enjoy health and wellness facilities at the hotel.

It is important to note that hours and availability may vary, so it is recommended to check with the hotel in advance through the link.

In addition, Biltmore Hotel is often a popular spot for events, weddings, and conferences, so some areas may be reserved at certain times.


Dinner in Coconut Grove, an area with charming restaurants and nightlife. This historic neighborhood blocks out the usual chaos of the city, and coming here is like a warm bath in which Miami can slide after a long day. Grove is the perfect place for a relaxing and carefree meal. Some of the restaurants you can visit are:

This itinerary will give you a glimpse of the great diversity and excitement that Miami has to offer. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do and enjoy it with Rentennials. Be sure to check the schedules and reservations in advance through the links, as some places may require them. Enjoy your trip!

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Unforgettable itinerary for your first visit to Córdoba

Córdoba welcomes you with open arms and invites you to embark on a journey through the province’s most outstanding places. This guide includes the places you cannot miss on your visit.

It is your ticket to immerse yourself in its charming architecture and majestic landscape, which will captivate you on each of your excursions. Are you ready to experience the magic that Córdoba has to offer you on your visit? Don’t wait any longer and start planning your trip. Don’t forget to add the following destinations to your agenda!

1- Córdoba Capital

What better way to start your journey than by visiting one of Argentina’s most iconic cities? It is none other than the capital of the province.

Unfortunately, this city can sometimes go unnoticed by tourists as they prefer to explore other areas of the province. However, this gem has a lot to offer you, so it deserves to be explored closely.

Don’t miss out on discovering its history, magic, and charm. In Córdoba, we can find surprising colonial architecture, which is reflected and can be observed mainly in the surroundings of Plaza San Martín, where the commercial center is also located.

In front of the square, you will also see emblematic buildings such as the Cabildo and the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. To enrich yourself with culture, these architectural wonders will make you feel as if you were transported back in time to that era.

If you are attracted to handicrafts, you cannot miss the Paseo de las Artes, a handicrafts fair where you can take a tour of the stalls. Don’t forget to bring cash in case you like a local product and want to buy it as a souvenir. It also offers the option of enjoying the typical food offered by the vendors. If you enjoy watching shows, you can appreciate the street performances of dancers and artists.

Another incredible option is El Paseo del buen Pastor, which will invite you to enjoy a delicious meal and appreciate the show of dancing waters that will undoubtedly leave you amazed. If you like the night, you have found the perfect city, as it has a great nightlife full of bars and nightclubs. Of course, if you visited Córdoba capital, to take away the complete Cordoba experience, you cannot leave without trying a good Fernet with Coca-Cola listening to cuarteto.

2- Villa Carlos Paz

This city, known as “The Pearl of the Sierras”, is located just 30 minutes from the city of Córdoba. Located in the Punilla Valley, on the shores of Lake San Roque, it offers multiple options for water sports enthusiasts.

We recommend not missing the chance to take a catamaran ride along the entire length of this body of water. You can find options and choose the one that best suits your needs; if you want to have fun, some tours include musical shows, to dance and drink delicious cocktails that will be offered on your ride.

But if on the contrary, what you want is tranquility and enjoy the ride, other options offer delicious food and a serene atmosphere so you can relax, enjoy and take pictures of the beautiful postcards. But that’s not all, there’s more!, in this town, as its name indicates, it is surrounded by the majestic mountains, which will also allow you to expand your range of activities.

If you like heights, hiking and getting a privileged view of the city, don’t miss the chance to climb Cerro de La Cruz, the highest peak in Carlos Paz, which is 1000 meters high and has an easy access that will allow you to reach it comfortably.

For a more enriching experience, we recommend taking the guided tour, in which they will not only place you in the history of the city and Lake San Roque, but if you are dazzled by the vegetation, they will also provide you with information about the local flora and fauna. To be able to enjoy all these activities to the fullest, we recommend visiting it in the spring and summer months.

We will also delve a little into the urban life of this city, to be able to know it from another perspective that will surely delight you. We will start the tour on Avenida San Martín, the most important street in the city, where you can find a wide range of gastronomy.

You cannot leave here without having known and taken a picture of the iconic cuckoo clock, considered the largest in the world. As its name suggests, a friendly bird located in the clock will tell you the hours of the day.

This charismatic city stands out for its nightlife and the variety of options it has to offer. If you are looking for night fun, the casino could be one of the best options for you, as in addition to its incredible gaming machines, it is located in a location surrounded by bars and theaters so that the fun never stops.

Another option is the nightclubs, considered to be among the best in the country. We leave you below some that you should go to know and of course, dance all night: Keops, Molino Rojo and Khalama, each one has its own peculiarity that makes it unique.

We hope you have a lot of fun in this charming city!

3- La Falda

If you want to spend an unforgettable few days, we recommend visiting this destination, which perfectly combines nature, entertainment, and culture. This town is located in the Punilla Valley. It is located 67 kilometers north of the city of Córdoba. Here we will leave you your key itinerary of essential visits before you continue on your way to the next destination.

We will start with the outdoor activities that you can enjoy among the hills and trails and the natural jewels that you must know. Your must-do walks are definitely through Cerro La Banderita and El Camino del Dragón, which have different difficulties and will take you a different amount of time. We tell you a little about what each one is about so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

If you really enjoy hiking, the first option is for you. This route can be a bit more complex, as it has an intermediate difficulty and around 4 hours of climbing, but the incomparable view from its viewpoint compensates for everything.

On the other hand, the second option offers you a more relaxed walk, with low difficulty. You will arrive much faster, in 1 and a half hours walking, and if you want to arrive even faster, you can take your vehicle. On our website, we offer you the best vehicles so you can get there quickly and safely.

On the high plain Pampa de Oláen, many more adventures await you among waterfalls, rivers, and caves. For a unique underground adventure, we recommend visiting El Sauce. Another incredible natural attraction, full of fun, that you cannot miss is the Las Siete Cascadas complex.

If you visit La Falda, you cannot miss its horseback riding, which we recommend because it will be a unique experience to explore all the landscapes in an unforgettable way.

Now, take note, because on your cultural walk you cannot miss your tour of the mythical Museo Hotel Edén, which in its early days gave rise to La Falda. You can have a guided tour during the day or at night according to your preference, and if you are a sports enthusiast, do not forget to visit the first Argentine sports museum.

Due to its special climate, you can visit the province at any time, but we recommend visiting it during its regional festival season, so as not to miss the opportunity to taste and delight in each of its local dishes in a great celebration full of music and dance.

Note the most important events on your agenda: La Fiesta Nacional del Alfajor, held in October. La Falda Rock in November and La Falda Bajo Las Estrellas in January and February.

4- Alta Gracia

Did you like the culture of Córdoba but still want to learn more? If so, perfect, we welcome you to the land of cultural, religious, and historical walks; it is Alta Gracia, one of the closest tourist destinations to the capital, just 40 minutes away.

We will begin our tour by visiting its attractive historic center, where you can visit one of the five Jesuit Estancias. This estancia has been converted into a museum so that you can learn about life during the colonial era. You will find objects from centuries ago that will undoubtedly capture your attention completely.

This place is located on the shores of Lake Tajamar, an artificial dam that offers you the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and next to the iconic and historic public clock. You can also visit the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, which is located in front of the main square, and plays a very important role in the religious life of the cordobans.

To finish and complete your cultural tour, do not forget to visit the emblematic museums, the Municipal Archaeological Museum that will tell the history of the indigenous peoples through the collection of archaeological objects from the time, the Gabriel Dubois House-Workshop where you will find the rescued works of this sculptor, the Manuel de Falla Museum that commemorates the life and work of the composer, and the renowned Casa del Che Museum, where you can appreciate testimonies, letters, manuscripts, photographs, and personal objects.

You can get information to purchase a pass to visit these museums in the tourism section of Alta Gracia.

In addition to its important historical monuments, let us not forget that this city also has beautiful landscapes. We offer you a variety of outdoor activities, for those who enjoy hiking, the province has walking and hiking trails of different difficulty levels to adapt to your abilities, we recommend bringing comfortable clothes and shoes, water, and if there is a lot of sun, do not forget to put on your hat and sunscreen.

Another proposal to experience is horseback riding through the estancias; there is a family business that offers tours of the mountain landscapes with guides.

This immersive experience will make you fall in love with the flora and forests of the region.

You will find different horseback riding options and you have the option of completing your experience with lunches or snacks on the banks of the river. If you want to get away from the urban area, we recommend walking along the banks of the Arroyo Los Paredones, where you will find campsites to spend the day.

In addition, if you want to continue your tour, you will reach the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Lourdes, located in a large green area, where you can enjoy an afternoon in its parks.

Among its cuisine you can appreciate a great diversity, however, one of the must-sees that we recommend is to have tea or coffee in a historic hotel from the early 20th century. Another recommendation is to visit the annual meeting of the communities where you can taste different dishes from different countries of the world, immerse yourself in the culture and enjoy live shows.

We hope you have a great time in this charming city!

5- Mina Clavero 

In this last section, we offer you a proposal to connect with nature through the beauty of its landscapes and the peace that its river transmits. We are talking about Mina Clavero, considered one of the seven natural wonders of Argentina.

Located 160 km from the city of Córdoba, this town offers you a myriad of options to enjoy your stay: from trekking trails and other adventures to a vibrant nightlife. If you are wondering what you can do here, below we will leave you the activities that we consider you cannot miss before finishing your trip.

As we know, Mina Clavero is known for its beautiful oasis of crystal-clear water, that’s why, to spend the best afternoons, we recommend visiting its spas, and if you like, why not do amazing water activities, such as exploring these beautiful waters in a kayak or diving in the Los Dioses spa, which has a great depth.

You can visit different spas that fit your preferences. If what you are looking for is to relax and enjoy the scenery, we recommend visiting the spa “La Residencia” which has calm waters of low depth and a small waterfall ideal for some fresh massages and complete relaxation.

If you like to go for walks, connect with the landscapes and appreciate the panoramic views, this town offers trails for you to go trekking, one of the options is the Cerro de la Altas Cumbres, which will allow you to visualize the waterfall where the Mina Clavero River is born.

Another option is a spa and rest stop called El Toro Muerto, which not only offers the possibility of going for a walk but also for adrenaline lovers. It has options to cross the stream by zip line or rappel. It also provides you with all the comforts as it has barbecues, toilets, parking lot, bar service and gastronomy.

If you have an adventurous spirit and are passionate about nature, we offer you a variety of places to discover: from the majesty of Cerro Champaquí to the surprising Los Túneles walk that will leave you amazed.

Of course, not everything is nature, you can also find cultural activities, there are museums for all tastes. For those who love plants, you can visit the Cactus Museum, and for those who love collections, the Munitions Museum.

To enjoy the local cuisine, we suggest trying the typical dishes such as empanadas, barbecue, and locro. We invite you to know this restaurant and delight yourself with a tasty experience: if you feel like trying a delicious barbecue, Restaurante Mi Lugar is a very good option.

Would you like to experience the complete Córdoba experience? As we showed you in this article, this province is full of natural, cultural, and urban wonders that you cannot miss.

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