The best activities to do in San Rafael, Mendoza

San Rafael is a tourist destination located in the province of Mendoza, Argentina. It is an ideal destination for families, as it combines natural beauty with a wide variety of activities for all ages.

La Abeja Winery

You cannot pass through the land of wine without knowing and tasting in the best winery in San Rafael.

Bodega La Abeja is the first farm and winery in San Rafael, built in 1883 by Rodolfo Iselin, founder of the current City of San Rafael. They make medium and high range wines. It is located in the city of San Rafael.

The opening hours are:

  • From January to March: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • From April to December: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Guided tours are free, they are carried out every half hour by a guide, owners and/or winemakers and with groups larger than 10 people with a reservation.

It consists of 4 steps:

  1. Wine making process: carried out with the original machinery from 1885.
  2. History of Rodolfo Iselin’s family and his importance as founder of the city of San Rafael.
  3. Wine tasting.
  4. You can appreciate the small vineyard of Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon.

For visits in English you must make a reservation by phone. The last visit takes place one hour before closing.

Also, you can buy wines through their website


The Borges Labyrinth

For to have fun with family and friends, we recommend the Borges Labyrinth, the first monument built in memory of the great Argentine writer. It has an area of 8,700 square meters and 7,150 Buj plants, making it the largest in the Americas.

It has over 2,500 meters of trails to explore its hidden symbolism, which is only visible from the 20-meter tower erected to appreciate it.

It offers two restaurants with different budgets and quality; restrooms, parking, children’s games, a hidden cane walk in the forest, and a huge park surrounded by vineyards, canals, forests, and plum trees that form the setting for this wonderful work that will last forever in his memory.

The tour takes 2-3 hours.
We invite you to immerse yourself in this beautiful city to enjoy all its activities and proposals, which, as you can see, appeal to both children and adults.

Experience these and many more of the experiences that San Rafael offers with our car rental service to get around with total confidence and safety

Euca Forest

For adrenaline lovers, Euca Forest is ideal, as you can do various activities at high altitude with different levels of difficulty, for adults and children. This park is the largest treetop adventure park in argentina, the same company has another park in Tigre, Buenos Aires, but they are artificial platforms and are not in trees.

Activities include:

  • Zipline (canopy).
  • Treetop adventure.
  • Ropes.
  • Moving bridges.

The Atuel Canyon

The Atuel Canyon is one of the most popular natural attractions in San Rafael. It is a 160-kilometer-long gorge that was formed by the Atuel River over millions of years.

The canyon is a great place to go for outdoor activities, such as:

  • Rafting.
  • Hiking.
  • Canopying.
  • Horseback riding and more

Located next to Valle Grande at the entrance to the Canyon.

Diamond Circuit

In the Diamond Circuit we will tell you all the hidden places to visit, the 4 reservoirs that make it up, the wide range of activities to do outdoors and we offer our vehicle rental services so that you can reach your destination without problems and enjoy everything. the day in nature.

25 km away. from the city, is the Villa 25 de Mayo, a small and charming town of San Rafael, an authentic place of relaxation and silence (slow life), which emerged years later than the San Rafael del Diamante Fort, still preserving adobe farmhouses. and streets flanked by immense and ancient poplars.

The ruins of Fort San Rafael del Diamante are the oldest remains in the history of San Rafael and in front of it is the “Narciso Morales” Historical Museum, with pieces from those times.

The ruins of Fort San Rafael del Diamante are the oldest remains in the history of San Rafael and in front of it is the “Narciso Morales” Historical Museum, with pieces from those times.

Another of the attractions of the circuit is El Tigre, 33 km from San Rafael, it is possible to enjoy fishing for large silversides and trout, a compensating dam whose water content is recovered by pumping to the Los Reyunos power plant.

Continuing the circuit we find the Los Reyunos reservoir 35 km away; On its west bank stands a Fishing and Nautical Club, along with an apart hotel, restaurants, grocery stores, cabins, campsites and different providers that rent boats to go fishing or row along the dam. It has a height of 135 meters and has a viewpoint that allows you to see everything from above.

The adventure tourism activities to practice on the circuit are:

  • Tirobangi
  • Dive
  • Catamaran ride
  • Horseback riding
  • Mountain biking
  • Quadricycles
  • Hiking
  • Trekking, among others.

Finishing the circuit we will arrive at the imposing Agua del Toro Dam, 90 km from the city (46km are gravel in very good condition), ideal for fishing lovers. Located at the foot of the El Diamante Volcano, with its 118 meters high it becomes the highest dam in Argentina.

On this circuit you will also have to travel by vehicle, so we are at your disposal whenever you need us.

We invite you to immerse yourself in this beautiful city that can be calm and at the same time full of adrenaline, to enjoy all its activities and proposals, which as you can see invites both children and adults.

Live these and many more of the experiences that San Rafael offers with our vehicle, service to move with total confidence and safety.

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Rentennials é a nova forma de alugar carros de anfitriões locais em sua cidade, de forma rápida, fácil e acessível. Também é o seu novo caminho para iniciar o seu próprio negócio de aluguel de carros e ganhar dinheiro todos os meses.
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vacacions de invierno, Rentennials

Visitei Mendoza nas férias de inverno

As férias de inverno estão chegando, e Mendoza (um dos destinos turísticos mais visitados pelos argentinos) está esperando por você para explorá-la com Rentennials!!

Neste recesso de inverno, a província oferece paisagens nevadas, circuitos turísticos, gastronomia e, claro, vinícolas.

Com certeza você já está planejando suas férias de inverno, não é? Como todos sabemos, o recesso de inverno é no mês de julho e dura duas semanas, mas as datas das férias dependem da província em que nos encontramos.

As províncias que têm férias de inverno de 9 a 24 de julho são: Catamarca, Chubut, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe e Tucumán.

E as províncias que têm férias de inverno de 16 a 31 de julho são: Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Santa Cruz, Santiago del Estero e Tierra del Fuego.

vacaciones de invierno en mendoza

O que fazer em Mendoza nas férias de inverno?

Recomendamos um circuito com tudo o que você pode fazer em Mendoza durante as férias de inverno de 2022.


Claro que você não pode deixar de conhecer o circuito das vinícolas. Eles são os protagonistas do turismo na província. Independentemente de ser inverno, estes oferecem-nos vistas incríveis e claro uma boa gastronomia para desfrutar durante o dia. Recomendamos que você visite a vinícola Andeluna, localizada no terroir Gualtallary. Esta vinícola oferece degustações, aulas de culinária, atividades relacionadas ao mundo do vinho, claro. Também oferece um restaurante para almoçar ou saborear um belo chá da tarde.

Reservas para almoços e visitas:

vacaciones de invierno en Mendoza, Rentennials

Você também pode visitar o Clos de los Siete, você deve estar se perguntando do que se trata, certo?

A propriedade “Clos de los Siete” está localizada em Vista Flores, no Vale do Uco, e tem uma vista incrível da Cordilheira dos Andes. Nesta propriedade existem quatro adegas onde poderá visitar e provar os seus vinhos produzidos apenas com uvas provenientes das vinhas que circundam cada uma das adegas. São elas: Bodega Monteviejo, Cuvelier Los Andes, Bodega DiamAndes e Bodega Rolland.

Os Puquios

O parque de neve Los Puquios está localizado a 185 km da cidade. Esqui e snowboard são permitidos neste parque, desde que as condições climáticas o permitam. Caso contrário, também existem opções para desfrutar de jogos de trenó e neve.

vacaciones de invierno, Rentennials

Las Leñas

Se você realmente gosta de esquiar e passar alguns dias de pura adrenalina, não pode deixar de ir ao sky center Las Leñas, que já anunciou sua inauguração para o dia 17 de junho.

O complexo turístico Las Leñas está localizado no coração da cordilheira dos Andes, na província de Mendoza. Possui um total de 30 pistas classificadas como iniciantes, intermediários, avançados e especialistas, possui também um setor Snowpark destinado aos amantes do Freestyle e o melhor fora de pista da América do Sul.

Este sky center conta com uma qualidade de neve inigualável, cozinha internacional e instalações hoteleiras de primeira classe, num quadro de segurança e tranquilidade para toda a família.

Para fazer reservas de hotéis, passes de teleférico ou assistir ao vivo como é no Centro de Sky, você pode fazê-lo através do site deles.

vacaciones de invierno, Rentennials

O Enxofre

A província conta com o novo complexo El Azufre, localizado a 210 km de Malargüe, e possui 12.000 hectares. A inauguração está prevista para junho, prometendo ser 100% sustentável e gerar neve seca por 5 meses, de junho a outubro. Porém, o acesso por enquanto será limitado a passeios de helicóptero de 12 pessoas.

vacacions de invierno, Rentennials

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Nós somos Rentennials

Rentennials é a nova forma de alugar carros de anfitriões locais em sua cidade, de forma rápida, fácil e acessível. Também é o seu novo caminho para iniciar o seu próprio negócio de aluguel de carros e ganhar dinheiro todos os meses.
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