{"id":6889,"date":"2023-10-19T13:29:57","date_gmt":"2023-10-19T13:29:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blog.rentennials.app\/?p=6889"},"modified":"2023-11-02T19:29:01","modified_gmt":"2023-11-02T19:29:01","slug":"a-sua-guia-definitiva-para-4-dias-em-salta","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blog.rentennials.app\/en\/a-sua-guia-definitiva-para-4-dias-em-salta\/","title":{"rendered":"Your Complete 4-Day Guide to Salta Argentina"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Your Complete 4-Day Guide to Salta<\/b><\/h1>\n

Salta, known as “Salta la linda”, is located in the northwest of Argentina. It is known as one of the most picturesque provinces in the Republic of Argentina for its culture, history, and of course, incredible landscapes. If you are looking to connect with nature and culture, this 4-day itinerary is for you:<\/span><\/p>\n

Day 1<\/b><\/h2>\n

In the morning, we recommend going to Cerro San Bernardo. This is a popular tourist attraction due to its viewpoints, stunning views of the city, and handicrafts market. You can get there by car or on foot, but the <\/span>cable car<\/a><\/span><\/strong> is the most popular option. The cable car departs from Parque San Mart\u00edn and is open from 9am to 6:30pm. After exploring the hill, we recommend staying for lunch at “El Baqueano”, a restaurant serving contemporary Andean cuisine.<\/span><\/p>\n

In the afternoon, we recommend starting from Plaza 9 de Julio to begin exploring the center of Salta. Then, visit the Museum of High Mountain Archaeology, located opposite Plaza 9 de Julio. It is known worldwide for its collection of the Children of Llullaillaco, the bodies of three Inca children over 500 years old in perfect condition. The museum is open until 6:30pm.<\/span><\/p>\n

After that, you can stay to explore the pedestrian area, visit the Cathedral Basilica, the Church of San Francisco, and Parque San Mart\u00edn. To end the day, we recommend staying in the center of Salta to sample its typical dishes, such as empanadas, humita, tamales, locro, etc., at <\/span>“Do\u00f1a Salta”<\/a><\/span><\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n
