{"id":3833,"date":"2022-06-16T18:04:19","date_gmt":"2022-06-16T18:04:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/rentennials.app\/?p=3833"},"modified":"2023-11-07T14:13:11","modified_gmt":"2023-11-07T14:13:11","slug":"recorre-mendoza-en-vacaciones-de-invierno","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blog.rentennials.app\/en\/recorre-mendoza-en-vacaciones-de-invierno\/","title":{"rendered":"Explore Mendoza during the winter holidays"},"content":{"rendered":"

[vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”top” css=”.vc_custom_1645629497756{margin-bottom: 5vh !important;}” mobile_bg_img_hidden=”no” tablet_bg_img_hidden=”no” woodmart_parallax=”0″ woodmart_gradient_switch=”no” row_reverse_mobile=”0″ row_reverse_tablet=”0″ woodmart_disable_overflow=”0″][vc_column offset=”vc_col-lg-8 vc_col-md-8″][vc_column_text text_larger=”no” el_class=”gower” el_id=”gower” woodmart_inline=”no”]Winter holidays are approaching, and Mendoza (one of the most visited tourist destinations by Argentines) is waiting for you to tour it with Rentennials!!<\/p>\n

During this winter break, the province offers snowy landscapes, tourist circuits, gastronomy and, of course, wineries.<\/p>\n

Surely you are already making plans for these winter holidays, right? As we all know, the winter break is in the month of July and lasts two weeks, but the dates of the holidays depend on the province in which we are.<\/p>\n

The provinces that have winter holidays from July 9 to 24<\/strong> are: Catamarca, Chubut, C\u00f3rdoba, Entre R\u00edos, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuqu\u00e9n, R\u00edo Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Faith and Tucum\u00e1n.<\/p>\n

And as for the provinces that have winter holidays from July 16 to 31<\/strong>, they are: Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Santa Cruz, Santiago del Estero and Tierra del Fuego.<\/p>\n


What to do in Mendoza this winter vacation?<\/h1>\n

We will recommend a circuit of everything you can do in Mendoza during these 2022 winter holidays.<\/p>\n


Of course you can’t miss getting to know the winery circuit. They are the protagonists of tourism in the province. Regardless of whether it is winter, these offer us incredible views and of course good cuisine to enjoy during the day. We recommend that you visit the Andeluna winery, which is located in the Gualtallary terroir. This winery offers tastings, cooking classes, activities related to the world of wine, of course. It also offers a restaurant to go for lunch or enjoy a beautiful afternoon tea.<\/p>\n

Reservations for lunches and visits: visitas@andeluna.com.ar<\/a><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n


You can also tour the Clos de los Siete, you might wonder what it is about, right?<\/p>\n

The \u201cClos de los Siete\u201d property is located in Vista Flores, in the Uco Valley, and has an incredible view of the Andes Mountains. On this property there are four wineries where you can visit and taste their wines produced only with grapes from the vineyards that surround each of the wineries. These are: Bodega Monteviejo<\/span><\/a><\/strong>, Cuvelier Los Andes<\/a><\/strong><\/span>, Bodega DiamAndes<\/strong> <\/a><\/span>and Bodega Rolland<\/a><\/span><\/strong>.<\/p>\n

The Puquios<\/h3>\n

The Los Puquios<\/a><\/strong> snow park is located 185km from the City. Skiing and snowboarding are allowed in this park as long as weather conditions allow it. If not, options to enjoy sledding and snow games also exist.<\/p>\n


Las Le\u00f1as<\/strong><\/h2>\n

If you really like skiing and spending a few days of pure adrenaline, you cannot miss going to the Las Le\u00f1as sky center, which has already announced its opening for June 17.<\/p>\n

The Las Le\u00f1as tourist complex is located in the heart of the Andes mountain range, in the province of Mendoza. It has a total of 30 slopes classified as beginners, intermediate, advanced and experts, it also has a Snowpark sector intended for Freestyle lovers and the best off-piste in South America.<\/p>\n

This sky center has unsurpassed snow quality, international cuisine and first-class hotel facilities, within a framework of security and tranquility for the whole family.<\/p>\n

To make hotel reservations, lift passes, or watch live how it is in Centro de Sky, you can do so through their website<\/a><\/strong><\/span>.<\/p>\n


The Sulfur<\/h3>\n

The province has the new El Azufre<\/a> <\/span><\/strong>complex, located 210 km from Malarg\u00fce, and has 12,000 hectares. It plans to open in June, promising to be 100% sustainable and generate dry snow for 5 months, from June to October. However, access for now will be limited to helicopter rides of 12 people.<\/p>\n


Live the Rentennials<\/span><\/strong><\/a><\/span> experience and reserve your vehicle so you can move without complications throughout the province of Mendoza. Download our app for Android<\/a><\/strong><\/span>\u00a0o\u00a0IOS <\/a><\/strong><\/span>and find out everything you need to rent your vehicle or to become part of the Renntenials family.<\/p>\n

Follow us on our networks and be part of our community.<\/p>\n

Instagram: @rentennials.app<\/a> <\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

Facebook: @rentennials.app<\/a><\/span><\/strong>[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][vc_column woodmart_sticky_column=”true” offset=”vc_col-lg-4 vc_col-md-4″ css=”.vc_custom_1494491003828{margin-bottom: 15px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1698952230875{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” text_larger=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”]